1. TSUMUGI IP LAW FIRM. will establish an operational system to protect personal information in accordance with operational conditions and will handle it properly and safely.
2. TSUMUGI IP LAW FIRM. will collect personal information by specifying the purpose of use thereof. Further, the collection of personal information shall be conducted by lawful and fair methods within the scope necessary for the achievement of such purpose.
3. TSUMUGI IP LAW FIRM. will use personal information within the extent already specified.
4. TSUMUGI IP LAW FIRM. will endeavor to maintain entrusted personal information to be accurate and updated and will implement corrective actions as needed to protect entrusted personal information from unauthorized access, loss, destruction, modification, leakage, etc.
5. TSUMUGI IP LAW FIRM. will strictly comply with laws and other related regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information.
6. TSUMUGI IP LAW FIRM. will continue to review and make efforts to improve its compliance program including this privacy policy.